Exo-Force Alternate Design “Van-Force” by Shoji Kawamori

Renowned anime director and mecha designer Shoji Kawamori (best known for his long involvement with the Macross series) was commissioned to create an alternate model for LEGO Exo-Force sets 7700 Stealth Hunter and 7701 Grand Titan. Instructions were available in Japanese action-figure magazine Figure King (フィギュア王 vol. 95, for those interested in trying to import it) and a special sticker sheet is available exclusively at Japanese LEGO stores Click-Brick. The alternate model is called “Van-Force.”

Naturally, the Japanese LEGO blogosphere buzzed with anticipation. Unfortunately, I hadn’t seen any pictures until fairly recently, so I waited to post until now.

Courtesty Japanese tech blog B-log Cabin TP:

I’m hoping one of our AFOL counterparts in Japan will take some better pictures and post them on Brickshelf as well. (And here’s a note to ask for that.)

日本のレゴファンの皆様にお願いしたいことがあります。河村監督の Exo-Force 組み替え「Van-Force」を作ったお方がいましたら、写真を撮ってアメリカの皆が見れるように Brickshelf にアップ出来ますか?お願いしま〜す! m(_ _)m

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