With all of my own coverage out of the way (I just added my day 3 write-up to my original post), let’s wrap up NWBrickCon 2006 with a summary of coverage on the Web.
First up, coverage by Josh and me here on The Brothers Brick:
- Off to NWBrickCon Day 1
- NWBrickCon Day 1 Report
- Breakfast at the Bellevue LEGO Store
- NWBrickCon Day 2 Report
- Dave DeGobbi’s Goliath Steampunk Airship
- NWBrickCon Day 3 Report
- Josh Does NWBrickCon (with link to detailed write-up on Classic-Castle Forums)
Brendan Mauro has kindly posted a batch of videos to YouTube, capturing many of the creations with movement of one sort or another. Check out the camera mounted to the front of the moonbase monorail:
Next, various conference attendees have uploaded their pictures to the Web. I created a NWBrickCon group on Flickr, and it currently has over 380 pictures from the weekend. Check out the member list to see Flickr members who attended the ‘con. Josh also uploaded all of his pictures to a nicely organized set of galleries on Brickshelf.
Finally, the bazaar was a huge draw at NWBrickCon this year, with many vendors and individual sellers presenting their products for sale. Here are the ones whose contact info I remembered to grab:
- AuctionBrick: Buy and sell LEGO products.
- Big Ben Bricks: Ben Fleskes’ custom 9-volt train sets and parts.
- Brick Creations: Former master modeler Bill Vollbrecht’s custom LEGO creations.
- BrickArms: Modern minifig weapons from Will Chapman.
- Horseshoe Bend Rail Road: A LEGO Christmas train from Matt Chiles (Matt, if you see this, let me know if you want me to publish your contact info).
- Little Armory Toys: Custom minifig weapons.
- Math ‘n’ Stuff: Local Seattle toy store.
- Matt’s Mushroom Bins: The Perfect LEGO sorting solution from Matt Chiles.
- The TBP Group: LEGO Certified Professional Dan Parker’s company (ditto, Dan).
Post links in comments if you run across blog posts, more pictures, other videos, or anything else TBB readers might like to see.
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