News: LEGO Ambassadors Announced for Cycle 5

The LEGO Ambassadors program serves as a point of contact between The LEGO Company and the adult hobbyist and fan communities. The program started out a couple years ago with just a handful of participants, nearly all from the United States. With each new “cycle” of the program, LEGO has expanded community involvement both in number and geographically.

The latest LEGO Ambassadors have been announced on LUGNET, and I’m pleased to inform readers of The Brothers Brick that I’ve been selected as a new ambassador. With 30 ambassadors from 13 countries, it’s a much bigger, more diverse group than ever before, and will be representing the fan community for the next year (instead of six months).

I’m very excited about this, and will do my best to represent you, our readers, with the same loyalty and enthusiasm you’ve shown toward our favorite little plastic bricks.

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4 comments on “News: LEGO Ambassadors Announced for Cycle 5

  1. Fred

    Congratulations and hurray!

    Does this give you diplomatic immunity? Speeding tickets begone!

  2. Pingback: LEGO Blog: The Brothers Brick » Blog Archive » You are a community

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