Mark Kelso’s epic model: the Invisible Hand

After 9 months of building, Mark Kelso has finally completed his epic model of the Invisible Hand. It spans an amazing 231 studs long and weighs 30 pounds, I can’t begin to imagine the cost. I have seen the various stages of this model from the many work in progress photos Mark has posted over time. The finished model is beautiful, studless, and full of details. Congratulations on a project well done Mark!

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10 comments on “Mark Kelso’s epic model: the Invisible Hand

  1. wusmand

    I to have been watching you’re progress, ten outa five my friend!
    I am truley intreeged with the detail. Tell me, was there ever a time when you thought that you couldn’t complete it?

  2. Mark Kelso

    Just a quick thanks for the good word, Nannan! I’d discovered your work this last year and it’s been inspiring. Always cool to get a word of encouragement from those you admire. Cheers!

    Wusmand – Thanks, man. This last summer saw zero progress for several months (due to the heavy show schedule with my art), and I was beginning to have thoughts of dismantling what was currently finished. A few minutes of internet time spent checking out the works of others was all it took to light the fire, though. There’s an amazing amount of fantastic builders out there, and that MOC-cornucopia always motivates me to keep creating.

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  6. WonderLegoBuilder

    The Invisible Hand is really awsome and took a lot of time and months building it. Sooo. Im trying to say, can you make Mon Calamari cruiser, Super Star Destroyer, or a CIS Core Ship?

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