The glorious Bender B. Rodriguez and some irrelevant flesh-tubes

Ochre Jelly’s Stephen Hawking has become the stuff of Internet legend (previous post here on TBB). His latest creations are a set of characters (in the same “MINILAND” scale) who should be familiar to fans of great TV.

Check out OJ’s MOCPages for more shots of Bender, Fry, Leela, and Nibbler (my personal favorite). Here’s hoping Ochre Jelly builds the whole cast of Futurama. Zapp Brannigan, anyone?

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10 comments on “The glorious Bender B. Rodriguez and some irrelevant flesh-tubes

  1. Pingback: Or is it? « Brick Blogue

  2. Pingback: Futurama en Lego | Mujeres TIC

  3. Pingback: Plockhead. - PLOCKHEAD[DOT]COM

  4. Pingback:   Os personagens de Futurama em LEGO by Smelly Cat

  5. Pingback: Klocki - LEGO Bricks for Adults » Bite my shiny metal ass!

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