10188 Death Star now available for preorder from LEGO Shop [News]

Well, that was certainly quick. The highly anticipated new set 10188 Death Staricon is now available for preorder from the LEGO Shop online.


3,803 pieces. 399.99 USD. Ships on September 16, 2008.

EDIT: Jesus Diaz over at Gizmodo has the full list of minifigs and features. What the heck is a Phlutdroid? Oh, I see.

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13 comments on “10188 Death Star now available for preorder from LEGO Shop [News]

  1. David

    It amazes me that people have that kind of money to spend on it. $400 can by 11 gallons of gas. ;)

  2. Rocko

    Ha! That’s my biggest problem with the oil industry. If they burn up all the petroleum, there’s none left to make laygoes. ;)

    But seriously…

  3. Rocko

    Also, unlike the new Castle chess set that mysteriously dropped in price after a ton of complaints on the web, I doubt this set will have a similar drop. Star Wars fans have are obsessive enough to warrant the Death Star’s success even at $400.

  4. mediocre

    Once again, this says it will not be available in my country (the Netherlands). I’m beginning to get really fed up with this company, where I can only buy half the products they advertise for on their website.

  5. Starwars4J

    Hm, it ships on my birthday ;) Too bad I’m still not sure about pre-ordering it. It’s a fantastic set…just priced about $100US too high

  6. Ramone

    Jumping Jeebus! $400 is a YEAR’S worth of Legos! Okay start squirreling money away now I guess.

  7. Tony

    $400? The Ultimate Lego Death Star II set is now onsale for $200 USD down from $270 USD…it has 3417 pieces. So 386 pieces cost $200 USD? The Ultimate Millenium Falcon at $500 USD has 5195 pieces so that would be $100 for 1392 pieces… a far better deal and the Falcon is cooler (I have it sitting in my movie room on it’s own table while my other SW Legos look on with envy). I didn’t buy the Ultimate DSII (and won’t for even $200), so definately not buying this one. I’d buy another Falcon (to paint it black) first. No idea what Lego is thinking with a $400 price tag on it.

  8. David

    You are paying for the minifigures, plus the other sets have a ton of little tiny pieces, this one has bigger pieces (I guess) and minifigures.

    it’s all the minifigures. Creator sets have a lot more pieces than minifigure sets at the same price.

  9. Andrew Post author

    David is just about exactly correct. Minifigs are very expensive to produce, compared to “regular” bricks. (However, the size of the pieces has less to do with the price than the actual amount of plastic.)

  10. Pingback: LEGO Star Wars 10188 Death Star pics reveal interior and 21+ minifigs [News] | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

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