Brendan Mauro puts a new twist to the LEGO troll figure, making it a cyber-troll with robot arm, eyepiece, and a sharp mechanical hand – all the better to crush those “stoopid space mans.”
Brendan Mauro puts a new twist to the LEGO troll figure, making it a cyber-troll with robot arm, eyepiece, and a sharp mechanical hand – all the better to crush those “stoopid space mans.”
Space Ork!!!
Heck, this almost makes fantasy cool!
(hides from castle fans)
I appreciate the details (always do) – especially the replacement of the the horns with the cheese wedgie tile bits and taking advantage of the ‘ear’ studs to connect the HUD with the cyborg weapon arm.
Respect with a capital aaarrgh! … ahem I mean “R”.
Strogg Troll!
Good Lord!!
Just in case you missed it the title of this story has a couple of typos. It should read:
“Cyber-troll eat spaceman for breakfast!”
What happened to Clancy?! Brendan has a lot to answer for…
@ook: Huh?
He mean that space troll no have good grammar.
@Josh: You, sir, have just given me a great idea for a continuation MOC… :D
One word:
Cool yet creepy. “oh clancy, what have the strogg done to you?!”
The Borg enter Classic Space in style. Resistance is futile, haha!