LEGO Star Wars 10188 Death Star now shipping [News]

Quite possibly the most anticipated new set of 2008 is now shipping from the LEGO Shop. (No, no — not 7979 Castle Advent Calendar!)

Yes, that’s right, 10188 Death Staricon is now available and shipping from the LEGO Shop online.


3,803 pieces. 24 minifigs (counting brick-built droids). 399.99 USD. Time to empty your wallets, boys and girls!

If nearly $400 isn’t your thing but you still want a LEGO Death Star, 10143 Death Star II™ is still available at 199.99 USD. ;)

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7 comments on “LEGO Star Wars 10188 Death Star now shipping [News]

  1. Will Will


    I thought it was a mis-print, but apparently it is ONLY 400 bucks USD. Jeepers. If it was that price in Canadian funds, I might consider it — however, tack on a FULL hundred dollars just because I live this-side-of-Buffalo.

    It’s freaking nuts, man. I’m really seething here. There’s no justification for the price gouge — especially when it comes to online sales (not retail).


  2. Ramone

    Dr. S, WOW, that is amazing! Thanks for the photos. Nice to see each level in progress. Did the box weigh a ton when it arrived?

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