Keith Brogan scans Mario with 3D scanner and builds him out of LEGO

Keith Brogan [Send us a link if you’ve got it. -AB] used a NextEngine 3D scanner and modo software to build a 3D mesh of Nintendo icon Mario, to which he then applied an array of brick-sized shapes.

Finally, Keith built the large-scale Mario out of real LEGO bricks:

Don’t miss Keith’s post on Luxology Forum for more details on how he combined high-tech with ABS.

Via Gizmodo, with a nod to reader William. ;)

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9 comments on “Keith Brogan scans Mario with 3D scanner and builds him out of LEGO

  1. Eggy

    This is some real dedication!!! Waste of time or not, the result is awesome. I wonder if TLC will eventually implement something like this at legoland.

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