How to buy your 7979 Castle Advent Calendar [News]

FINAL UPDATE: As of October 20, 7979 Castle Advent Calendar was no longer available from LEGO Shop @ Home.

UPDATE (1:30 PM PDT, 9/27/08): I just got off the phone with LEGO Shop @ Home, and they said that there are still some left, so if you couldn’t call or weren’t able to get through yesterday, you should still be able to order today.

As we promised yesterday, here’s how US and Canadian fans can get their hands on the coveted 7979 Castle Advent Calendar set:

  1. Call LEGO Shop@Home at 1-800-453-4652 (English) or 1-877-518-5346 (French) 1-800-835-4386.
  2. Give them the code JesterUS (for the US) or JesterCA for Canada.
  3. Order no more than 2 copies of 7979 Castle Advent Calendar, and nothing else! (This will keep the lines free for others trying to order. You can always add other sets to your order later, before it ships.)


  • US: $29.99 USD per set, plus shipping.
  • Canada: $39.99 CAD per set, plus shipping.

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116 comments on “How to buy your 7979 Castle Advent Calendar [News]

  1. Jenny Wadley

    FYI, The Shop @ Home rep told me they had been asked to direct orders for the advent calendar to a different, customer service number – 800-835-4386. I’m holding now with fingers crossed!

  2. David Thiel

    Thanks so much for your help with this! I’d been jonesin’ for this set for months, but had no idea until this morning that there would be a problem getting it. I got in right away and ordered one (leaving the other for someone else). Again, thanks!!!!

  3. Chris

    I was told “this desk is having trouble with this item right now, I’m going to have you call the customer service number, 800-835-4386”. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get through to that number.

  4. Roy

    Much obliged! Picked up one for myself, and one for a friend’s kid. Granted, it hurt the wallet a little more than I’d hoped . . .

  5. Bill Ward

    I dialed the main number several times with busy signals before I finally got in a hold queue, only to be told to dial the new number. I’m on hold there, waiting for the next available rep. I hope you guys haven’t already cleaned them out…

  6. Pixel

    Ordered two, and got talked into the city advent as well. That was a $107 hit I wasn’t planning for today, but I have adventy goodness coming now.

  7. Andrew Post author

    Thanks to everyone who posted about the correct number. I was told to send everybody to the main S@H number, but sounds like there was a bit of a miscommunication there.

    I’ve corrected the post.

  8. Pingback: 7979 Castle Advent Calendar available in US, Canada on Sept 26 at noon [News] | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  9. Pingback: Dear LEGO: We want 7979 Castle Advent Calendar! | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  10. Chris

    Finally got in after about a 10 minute wait at the new number – not too painful. Just as an FYI, the total for 2 copies was around $74 (I forget the cents) including shipping (and tax?), so it sounds like these cost a bit more than $30, unless the shipping charges are really high.

  11. Dantalian

    The price is quite a bit higher for Canadians. I called a couple minutes after the code was posted and got in using the original number. The total for one came to $49 and change.

  12. Joel

    Got my 2! Thank you all, who were involved in getting this offer put together! My total was $73.55, including shipping and tax.

  13. Chris

    Thank you so much!

    Ordering was easy with your directions.

    The rep said they are going fast and the number of sets they have available is very limited. She was not looking forward to the moment they run out.

    You guys rock.

  14. Andrew

    Hi all,

    Was able to order via – 1-800-453-4652 – but the fellow didn’t seem to know about the code. Hmmm. Hopefully it goes through.


  15. Ethan

    About 5 minute wait. Didn’t need the code either. My total came to $68.something but Chris -LEGO has a pretty crummy shipping system. I’ve often recieved HUGE boxes with just one or two medium-sized sets- they need to work out a medium size, it sounds like that’s why you ended up so high.

  16. Jude

    Finally got through, yet again, I have the order place, but now she is having problems with the shipping address, the computer wants to send it to a place I lived at over 2 years ago. All sorted out.

    Thanks to Andrew and co and also to Doug Eaton, ParLUGment’s ambassador for pointing this out to our club.


  17. Patrick Talken

    I had about a 5 minute wait and they asked for the code after I ordered 7979. My total came to $68.93 (shipping to MI)

  18. zoom

    I had called the main S@H number originally listed. (I opted for the survey at the end, FWIW.) On hold for a 3-4 minutes, asked for the 7979 Castle Advent Calendar, passed on the offer of the City Advent and was then asked for the secret code and then billing, etc.

  19. Chris W.

    Thanks BB!!!

    Got through on the new number but then it was kicked over to an overflow call center (that couldn’t process the advent order)because of the wait.

    Called back and spoke to a very nice rep, Talia, and I ordered 2 sets. I didn’t get the City one because I live near 2 LEGO stores (DC area) and can get stamps with an in-store purchase.

  20. Kingboy

    After about a 5 minute wait, got a very pleasant customer service rep who took my order and after a few questions had me all set and ready to go.

    Thanks to all the Ambassadors and other folks behind setting this up, and to the currently vrey busy CSR’s having to deal with all this phone traffic. :)

  21. Karen L.

    Thanks so much for coordinating the castle advent calendar purchase! The total for my 2 sets was 74.62.
    Brothers-brick rocks!

  22. Owen

    Was on conference calls over lunch and forgot all about this until now. Just called and was able to order 2 sets. They did ask for the promo code.

  23. John Rudy

    I had quite a problem getting through the to operators. It took 12 calls, each ending with either a ringing phone then a quick disconnect or an abrupt drop, before finally I got through on the 13th attempt, 30 minutes after starting. I was at one point swearing up a storm at the dead line, after being disconnected.

    I wish they had just released this set in all markets. Would have saved all this grief.


  24. Nick

    It took me five minutes to snag one…easiest phone order I’ve ever done actually. Thanks for providing the code guys!


  25. Lich Barrister

    Just got mine ordered (noon pacific), so they must have decent stocks.
    I’ll fess up, I ordered more stuff – it’s been a few hours, and the CSRs were ready for me – upsell on the City Advent [done, I’m easy], and so I felt justified in also taking a sale item from the website, since they said you couldn’t add to this order later (maybe that’s a website thing?)

    For the two calendars ($40 CDN each!), plus the city, plus the container stacker – just north of $150. That’s one of the worst piece-to-price ratios I’ve ever taken on (I’m guessing that the shipping’s a bit high due to the size of the calendar?) but those minifig options… so good, so key for doing Shakespearean staging….

    Brothers Brick – thanks again for helping to organize the peaceable uprising that got us to this point!

  26. Andy

    I just called, got through immediately, and had the order completed within about 2 minutes. They did ask for the code.

  27. Steve Witt

    just fyi, those of you that got a an order line where they didn’t know about it, its because it got bumped to our secondary set of order takers which work out of California (this is a company that handles overflow). Once we realized that was happening we made sure calls weren’t getting sent there so those of you who feel like you caught them off guard, thats why.

    I’m glad folks seem to be getting in alright. :)


  28. Jai

    Hooray! Bought one.

    They knew my first name! :o I’m going to pretend it’s because I’m like Norm from Cheers to them, or something.

  29. ethan

    Steve- firstly, thanks for all your guy’s hard work with this. We all know there are companies who don’t give a crap about their customers and it’s nice to know LEGO isn’t one of them. Secondly, those orders (than went to the CA call centre) are still valid, correct?

  30. thwaak

    Crap….I’m not going to be able to order my two copies until next Friday (payday!). I hope there are some still left by then. ;-)

  31. Fred

    Just ordered mine.. said she didn’t know anything about a code being needed. Also nothing about a limit but, I only wanted one anyway.

  32. zachol

    Got mine as well, just one. Took, like, 3 minutes. No holding. Cost was $39 total, sort of a bummer, but hey.

  33. Joz

    For Aussies Brothers seeking the 7979 Castle Advent Calendar:

    I sent an email to Lego a while ago about really really wanting to purchase it… and they’ve just replied with great news advising me it is now available in Australia for AUD $39.99 each from Shop@Home

    Here’s the link:

    Yay! – Go Lego!

    On a slightly related note, for all the Castle fans out there – I’m really excited about the Jester minifig. I’ve been waiting for it for a while especially since I gave it some thought in the Lego Club forums many many moons ago.

    Here’s a screenshot of my comments there:

  34. Duckingham

    I called at 3:01 EST, spent 5 1/2 minutes total on the phone, very negligible wait for the CSR, pleasant conversation while she punched in my order (she grew up around where I currently live), ordered my 2 copies of Castle Advent, declined ordering anything else, with shipping it’s something in the 60’s altogether, and supposed to get here in 3-5 business days. Thank you Brothers Brick for helping to make this happen!

  35. Octopunk

    Got mine by 9:10 am yesterday, redirected to the 2nd phone # but no problems. Jumped on to let you guys know but you and the 31 commenters were way ahead of me.

    Thanks you guys!

    I told my wife and she was delighted by the idea of a Lego advent calendar, which she’d never heard of. I think that means I’m going to have to wait through the month to get the goodies.

  36. Mariann Asanuma

    Thanks to everyone who made this possible. I was able to order my 2 about 1pm Pacific time. It only took a few minutes for the whole order. I really did want this set, even at the high price tag. I can’t justify that for City, there just isn’t anything I want in that set. Plus with LEGOLAND just a half hour away, I don’t order much from the Catalog unless the park doesn’t carry it anymore.

    But thanks again to Brothers Brick and everyone else involved! ;)

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  38. Andrew


    Anyone know how long it takes to get the confirmation email? (They asked me for an email adr, I assume for one.)


  39. Andrew Post author

    @Chrispockster: Good question. I’ve been told it’s possible, but I’ve never done it myself. You’d have to call S@H and ask for the specifics.

    @Andrew: It sometimes takes as long as 24 for the confirmation e-mail to go out. Not sure why it’s not immediate (even for online orders).

  40. gurusql

    I was able to place my order in about three minutes this (Monday) morning – so there are still some availiable. :-)

  41. HappyMom

    Just an FYI, I was able to obtain two this morning and they did ask me for the code. Thanks Brothers Brick! My kids _really_ wanted a Lego advent calendar this year and I was not very excited about the City one…

  42. Tanana

    It is now 9/29/08 Monday Morning 10:52 Alaska Time and I just ordered two calanders. Thanks to all involved. Now I will have something to play with when it is 50 below zero this Christmas.

  43. Justin

    And I just ordered mine 2 seconds ago. They still have them. I was on hold for maybe 30 seconds.

    Great people. Thanks Brothers Brick.

  44. Finious

    Thanks BrickBros! Lego took my order for 2 sets late this morning (9/30) as well. Hope they’re not over-“booking” these.

  45. Crystallin

    yeah ! I got mine. I only got 1, but she said there were a few left as of 1:58 p.m. (PST). I didn’t even get music.

  46. Andrew

    Hey all,

    Mine arrived today. Good stuff. My wife says the cover looks cool. Haven’t seen them yet.


  47. Jeff

    Just placed an order for a few as well just a few minutes ago (15:48 PST). They still had a few in stock for anyone finding this later like I did. That’ll teach me to forget to check everyday like normal. ;)

    For those out there who made this possible, thank you so much!

  48. Joy

    October 3 (10:20 PST) Still have some avaliable. I feel lucky I found your site when I did. Thank You all!

  49. Wes

    So, I read this last night, on the 3rd of October for the first time. I don’t know how I missed it. My heart sank when I read this, because I was pretty sure I couldn’t get one this late in the game. I about midday today, with no expectation of them having any left. But good news to any latecomers: they did and I ordered two without any problem. This really beats the alternative of paying double price plus shipping on Bricklink.

  50. Pingback: BrickCon 2008: Saturday, October 4th | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  51. Kimberly

    Thank you everyone for the info! It is 4:22 EST on Sunday 10/5, and I just ordered 2.

    Does this sort of thing happen alot? Calling Lego w/ a secret pass code? I never knew such a thing existed!

  52. Alan

    I am an avid toy collector of many various lines, and I have never had such an easy time ordering something over the phone. Thanks so much for the simple directions (and code!). This is my first Lego purchase in years!

  53. Michelle

    Just ordered one today! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! My boys will be VERY excited, (including my “big boy” aka husband!)

  54. James

    I just ordered a set – thanks for posting this! They did question me about how i found out about the set, and they did require me to give the source code.

    I am excited about getting into castle this since I saw the Medieval Town set.

  55. Juliana

    Thank you! Just got off the phone with them and put my order in! I’m in Canada and used the English number that was crossed out. They also asked me to provide the code.

    This is my first time on this site (not quite sure how I ended up here but am glad I did) and wanted to thank you. My 2 boys will be so surprised when they get their calendars and I’m so happy that there is an alternative to the city calendar (which they have been receiving for the past 3 years).

  56. jomellygoat

    No go. I called today and it was a c1, which according to the customer service rep means none available, no idea if there will ever be any available. Bummer.

  57. Pingback: MisaQa kicks off her 2008 Advent Calendar | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

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