Homemade edible LEGO Bricks

From Instructables, you can learn to make your own delicious gummy LEGO bricks. If you have the time and money to attempt a silicone mold, then this is definitely a delectable idea to look into.

But if you’re just curious about how they did it, read on anyway for the details and fascinating step-by-step directions.

Via Gizmodo.

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9 comments on “Homemade edible LEGO Bricks

  1. Pingback: GEARFUSE » DIY Edible LEGO Bricks

  2. SavaTheAggie

    You could probably just as easily use the official LEGO ice cube tray mold, but to be honest I’d love to try this method just so the bricks would be the perfect size.

  3. SFHandyman

    You can certainly do gummies in almost any mold, but the ice cube mold has only one size brick, they are over sized (that would be huge gummies unless you made them thin) and it doesn’t have holes in the bottom so they can’t be stacked.

  4. mlambie

    @SavaTheAggie: That’s what I was thinking, exactly. The ice cube trays are not exactly the right size. Taking a mould off a real brick would be cooler.

  5. Jai

    Man, just TRY imagining convincing a child not to play with that food. I can’t imagine convincing ME not to play with that food. My mother would surely disapprove.


  6. Pingback: Homemade Edible Lego Bricks: Nom Nom Nom

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