Mark Borlase‘s most recent revision to his colossal 5’X10’ Hoth base diorama is a marvel to behold. The entire display consists of 55,000 to 60,000 pieces and has cool features such as 50 real lights and a remote controlled mechanism that deploys troops from the AT-ATs.

The entire creation took over 4 years in the making and consumed about $3000 (that’s a lot of white bricks!). This creation won the recent Star Wars building challenge and was featured in the official LEGO Magazine. Looks like hard work paid off, congratulations Mark!
My god, it’s full of stars!
That $#!t is so ill! I would kill to have the bricks and the time to do something like that! I reckon I would also need to kill to have the talent…
Yeah – My son and I entered that challenge too, we took one of the first prizes, but not the grand prize. How do you compete with that? Its very nice work by the way. I hope you’re enjoying your xbox 360, you guys earned it!
That is A LOT of LEGOS. Although I can build it, I don’t think I’d have the patience to see it all the way through.
really many weeks or months to create it?
Whatever compliment I can muster could never do justice to a creation of this magnitude! That’s kind of overkill for an X-box 360, if that was the original intent.
My son and I gave the 360 to a friend of his, who’s family could not afford one. My son already had one. The scene was complete enought to enter, but only 70% of what it is now and my son kept urging me to enter. I was supprised to win, mainly because I thought they would only give it to a kid. It was an honor to win, ecspecially from Lego.
Wow, that is totally impressive, the level of detail is really amazing, it must have been pain staking to get all that done, seriously Mark you really shouldn’t be so humble, that is jaw dropping.
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Simply awesome. Great job.
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I came!
This is absolutely amazing!!! I only hope that when my son is older (he’s 19 months) we can do something together that is this grand.
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Sweet Baby Jebus, that is unbelievable. Seeing the Hoth scene cast in LEGO is a new level of awesome.
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this is probably one of the most impressive things ive ever seen
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