LEGO + Maxifig + Leia + golden bikini = Fanboys REJOICE!

Behold, this sculpture by Ryan Wood is truly a wondrous sight:

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9 comments on “LEGO + Maxifig + Leia + golden bikini = Fanboys REJOICE!

  1. Peter Norman

    There was a poster advertising Star Wars in the New York subway last year that said, “Gold bikinis never go out of style.” Too true indeed. Nice build!

    That said, I think this website is too biased toward Star Wars while the real issues are clearly Indiana Jones related….

  2. Jai

    Outstanding! Those finger hinges and crazy assortment of gold pieces would have won me over even if the subject minifig wasn’t Slave Leia. Really cool stuff.

  3. Shmails

    I would love to see this next to the official Yoda statue. Very, very cool! Rocko must be drooling!

  4. Mister Zumbi

    Although very, very cool, and the obvious “Iwanone” I have to complain, and I certainly hope the author is reading this hera nad will do as I command. The lips can (maybe) be built better reessembling the actual minifig a bit more. I’d try use two 1×1 slopes in dark red upside down, mounted somewhere inside the head… The gaps that will appear would be of course closed with 1×1 slopes in yellow.
    Now, let’s see… C3P0 in that size would be reeeally nice. In gold of course.

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