The Forgotten Beacon by Nathan Todd

It’s been more than two years since Nathan Todd posted the first installment in his “Entrance to the Caves” story — illustrated in LEGO, of course.

“The Forgotten Beacon” was well worth the wait:


The mountain has an interior full of caves, and Nathan says that the beacon uses a new curved tower technique.

Check out lots more pictures on Nathan’s website.

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11 comments on “The Forgotten Beacon by Nathan Todd

  1. Motor.On

    That tower technique is most excellent.

    Sure, it’s unbelievably part intense, but the resulting look is the smoothest tower technique I’ve seen.

    Brilliant all around.

  2. Kahan

    The tower is really great, though making a huge tower would be pretty hard to do. The snow however is my favorite part, so realistic and epic. Amazing MOC Nathan.

  3. Shmails

    I think my favorite part of this MOC the different textures created. There is a real sense of the snow and its different shapes. Very nice!

  4. lostcarpark

    Nathan showed me pics of this before Christmas and I’ve been urging him to get them online ever since. Well worth the wait. The tower is fantastic, and the snowy landscape is really beautifully done.

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