UK + Snow + LEGO = Fun times for all!

Tim Goddard joins in the snow day fun with a minifig snowman:

Mike Stimpson shows us that even sand troopers can have a little fun now and then:

Stay safe, and have a great time, dear readers in Great Britain!

UPDATE: Louise Dade takes her LEGO webcomic into the wild and white outdoors:

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5 comments on “UK + Snow + LEGO = Fun times for all!

  1. Pingback: Go Miniman Go » Mini Snowman

  2. Octopunk

    I love that Sandtrooper pic. The top hat and the gun are cute, but his little caring hand makes it adorable.

  3. Pingback: Danish snowstorm inspires minifig snowman | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

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