The fire engine I built last year was mainly inspired by other LEGO builders, so I wanted to design something from scratch on my own. Here’s the result:
My brother sent me a link to the S&S Fire Apparatus Co’s awesome Wildland Ultra XT, and I just had to build this amazing vehicle — used by the US Bureau of Land Management and local departments where brushfires are common, such as the San Diego Fire Department.
Check out more photos in my LEGO S&S Wildland Ultra XT photoset on Flickr, plus instructions.
Those chainsaws are pretty cool. I mean, on top of everything else. :-)
Holy, that’s one cool MOC! But why does the guy with the chainsaw carry chains of ammo? :-)
It looks very rugged and cool. Looking at the photo, I can see that it’s quite accurate as well.
I think you could have done this 1.5x or 2x bigger, and still kept it minifig scale. Which would have made a very imposing and impressive vehicle. What you’ve created is a great and well-detailed model, but it’s a bit too cute. The source photo looks more badass.
I agree it’s cute but not too cute. The original is just as chunky, which makes it perfect source material. The size looks fine to me considering “minifig scale” is highly variable. I forget the exact statistic but didn’t someone determine if people had minifig dimensions they would weigh like 600 lbs or something.
Nice work Andrew.
Needs more zombies.
Nice. The brush truck goes without saying, but I particularly like the touch of the little cans used to start backfires. I’ll see what the firemen at SDFD station 14 think. I’m sure they won’t be too offended by the CDF uniforms instead of their dark blue.
@ Krypton: maybe ’cause he’s hardcore, the way the truck is. Oh yeah, and also like Andrew.
Thanks for the comments, everyone! This was a really fun build — half-stud offset pretty much everywhere.
@KryptonHeidt: For bears. :-P
@worker201: I donno. If you compare it with photos that have people in them, it seems scaled about right…
@Thanel: Let me know what they say. I was going to do a shot for you (and the SDFD guys) with a different crew, but ran out of daylight.
Yesterday I showed pictures of the build to the local firemen. The captain posted it on the station house wall. It was out of service that day, which led to interesting lessons from two of the firemen on fire engine construction, maintenance, weight and post major-action bureaucracy. Apparently the Ulta XT at SDFD-14 was donated by the builders and is only one of 4 in active service.
^ Glad they liked it enough to put it up on the wall! Only one of four, huh? No wonder finding reference pictures was fairly hard…
hi that is an awesome set where did you get all the pieces from and could i get a set of building instructions for the set ??
thanks Robert , Portland Oregon
proud Lego builder and collector
^ Unfortunately, I can’t provide instructions, but my source for most of the pieces was