Custom Mike Eruzione minifig skates to Olympics hockey glory

Mike Eruzione led the 1980 U.S. hockey team to victory against the Soviet Union in what has since been dubbed the “Miracle on Ice.” Jonathan Gilbert (Shmails) has created a custom LEGO minifig to honor the captain of that historic team:

Mike Eruzione LEGO minifig

In addition to the decals, the minifig includes a number of custom accessories. Jonathan handcrafted the hockey stick, helmet, and skates.

From John McClane to the Mythbusters guys, don’t miss all of Jonathan’s custom minifigs on Flickr.

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1 comment on “Custom Mike Eruzione minifig skates to Olympics hockey glory

  1. Shmails

    Thanks Andrew, this was a true labor of love, the helmet and skates took me months to get right.

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