Mini UNSC Pelican dropship and Warthog

LEGO UNSC Pelican dropship and Warthog

Alex Schranz (Orion Pax) discovered that sand green is harder to come by than he expected while building this mini-scale version of the Pelican dropship from Halo, complete with an itty-bitty Warthog that fits underneath.

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8 comments on “Mini UNSC Pelican dropship and Warthog

  1. Andrew Post author

    Pimping your own stuff in comments on other people’s LEGO creations is generally not smiled on. Just sayin’.

  2. Will Thomas

    The design of the tiny hog is what grabbed my attention the first time I saw this creation. I almost want to say 1n5ru5h1nz p1z!!!111

  3. Optimystic

    This was on

    And I just realized that the Pelicans cockpit is a Slizer vizor(Yay rymes!).

  4. trooper number12

    @ Andrew I’m not sayin’ my stuff is better than this, in fact I’m jealous!
    I was just trying to get my creations out there.

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