Torri Ares‘s Victory 2 Gundam not only transforms from Core Fighter mode to mobile suite mode but it does so with music synchronization. The included video is a must-see, featuring a time-lapse build, transformation process and more with stellar presentation.
holy )#(*&$
That’s incredible. If you’d blogged the Gundam model without telling me it transformed, I wouldn’t have thought anything was up. It’s an impressive MOC even without the ridiculous amount of functionality.
awesome! simply awesome!
some instructions would be even awesome-er
If TLG released a set like that, I would trip over myself to buy it. I would put money down saying that it would be a huge seller.
That is what LEGO should be about. Ridiculously good functionality out of a limited selection of shapes and designs. This puts all previous transforming models to shame with the sheer complexity and genius behind it.
(Yes Torri, I want that made out to CASH)
seems to be an evolution of this:
(instructions included)