LEGO Pixar, Kingdoms, World Racers – 2010 sets at Canadian Toy Fair [News]

Once again stealing the New York Toy Fair’s thunder, the first publicly available photos (read: not stolen or leaked) of late 2010 LEGO sets come from the Canadian Toy & Hobby Fair, via CTV tech reporter Kris Abel.

Of particular note for LEGO Castle fans is the new Kingdoms theme.

2010 LEGO Kingdoms castle

Check out Kris’ main post for links to each of his theme-specific posts, including:

  • DUPLO (with new Pixar Cars sets)
  • Prince of Persia
  • Space Police
  • Star Wars
  • World Racers

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12 comments on “LEGO Pixar, Kingdoms, World Racers – 2010 sets at Canadian Toy Fair [News]

  1. Jai

    Love the unicorn horse armor, and the new helmet design… everything else, sadly, I feel that I could take or leave without caring. Because it looks an AWFUL lot like a bunch of previous designs. :/

  2. agentgray

    Don’t shoot me, but I think Mega Bloks did a better job with the Cars license. If I base it on these pictures, the LEGO versions are very chubby and the Mega versions are closer to the actual look of the movie.

    Of course my two boys love Cars, so we’ll end up with these as well. :D

  3. Brickwares


    Might be too early to tell. And the Megabloks stuff looks closer, itb doesn’t stay together at the best of times. It really is shoddy stuff.

  4. agentgray


    I agree. We have all the Cars Mega sets and the cars themselves seem to be constructed well. The buildings and blocks? Not so much. The Mack truck is neat but does not stay together well during play.

  5. kunert

    Is that a small set with a Mon Calamari?

    Shoot me too, because me and my kids liked the Megabloks Cars, maybe better than what I see here. They were step up in quality from typical Megabloks.

  6. Jai

    I couldn’t figure out what the Mon Cal was doing there, but was excited until I realized it’s probably supposed to be a General Grievous fig.

  7. alldarker

    @Jai: don’t loose that excitement for the Mon Cal figure yet… Although I am not a Clone Wars viewer, I do believe the Mon Cal is actually a Jedi knight (Nahdar Vebb) who will also be included in the set along with General Grevious.

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