LEGO Star Wars: The Force Unleashed stop-motion animation

Fancy Pants Productions presents a LEGO Star Wars animation that features some seriously smooth action:

11 comments on “LEGO Star Wars: The Force Unleashed stop-motion animation

  1. Will Will

    Wow. I would seriously watch a feature film like this. And pay money! I’d love to learn how to do this stuff. There’s so many talented people out there.

  2. BrickFansdotcom

    Wow. Great use of depth of field and wonderful cinematography. The action is also top-notch. I assume this was produced with a DSLR.

  3. Thuesen

    You’re absolutely right (0:49).

    To bad to make all this effort, and it ends up not being a LEGO movie. :-(

  4. Andrew Post author

    Having seen plenty of truly crappy stop-motion videos built from 100% pure LEGO, I can state for a fact that the presence of a few clone bricks does not automatically negate the artistry of this video.

  5. Ramone

    @Theusen, I agree with Andrew. I assume you meant it to be humorous, but it sounds so elitist and rude.

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