Real life castles tend to make beautiful LEGO creations, and Neven Cintauer presents his version–gorgeous down to the last micro detail.
The real Predjama is located in Slovenia, and was constructed in the mouth of a cave. I find the inclusion of a secret tunnel particularly interesting.
Wow, a real-life Helm’s Deep!
Very nice work, but the overhang on the top level of the rightmost tower seems a little oversized for microscale. A 1/2 stud overhang would probably look better.
nice, btw, the text link (Neven Cintauer) isn’t working.
Nice vig! It shows the Renaissance castle, but the original medieval castle is even cooler, built deep inside the cave and almost invisible from outside. There’s a tournament at the castle every summer, with knights and horses and everything.
I recognised Predjama from the bricks, very cool castle in a very cool country, well worth a visit.
Best of the best i’d say, it sure does represent real one almost entirely.
Beside this one, there is one in progress(not from neven), which will be in minifig scale. I know Neven, and as far as i know, his castle MOCs are one of the best out there (in slovenia, rivaled only by one or two others).
If link doesnt work, try to use his name on MOC pages or brickshelf,it should work that way.