Registration for BrickCon 2010 now open [News]

Registration for BrickCon 2010 is now open!

I highly recommend attending on principle, but you’ll need to register in order to participate in some of the community builds — including Big in Japan and the Vic-Viper Fly-in.

For those new to conventions, BrickCon 2010 will be in Seattle, Washington September 30-October 3. The Event Schedule is available online, as well as a list of nearby hotels. This year’s preferred hotel is The Maxwell Hotel — information on booking is available here.

If you need directions from Sea-Tac Airport to the convention site, Mark Sandlin has a fantastic write-up on how to make the trip for $4.50. That’s cheaper than gas to and from the airport.

Thanks to Adam Hally for the photo!

Here’s the full announcement:

BrickCon 2010 is now officially open for registration.

The private convention begins on September 30 and runs through October 3, with public exhibition hours on Saturday and Sunday.

This year’s theme is “Tales of the Brick!”, so build your story in LEGO and bring it to the convention.

The organizers have been working hard to make the entire experience at BrickCon even better for everyone who attends.

The two biggest additions for registered attendees are a Thursday-night Meet and Greet with a no-host bar available for all attendees over the age of 21, and a Friday Luncheon for everyone to get together during the day.

For LEGO fans joining us during the public exhibition hours on Saturday and Sunday, we’ve fixed the long lines outside the venue, where people have had to wait just to buy a ticket to get in. You can now buy BrickCon tickets online beforehand through, which means more time looking at the LEGO models and less time waiting.

Finally, registered attendees can hang out in a new 6000 square foot space away from the main hall — plenty of room to chill out without all the crowd noise or awkward moments after bumping your elbow into someone’s carefully arranged LEGO creation.

The newest collaborative builds this year are Big in Japan, a Vic Viper Missing Man Formation homage to Nate “Nnenn” Nielson, and Bricks of Character. Battle Bugs return for more chitinous combat, along with longtime favorites Space, Castle (encompassing all things medieval), and Town/Train.

Whether you join us for the full four days or just drop in during the public hours, we hope to see you in Seattle in less than three months!

Watch this space in the coming days for more info on other details, like hotel discounts and how to participate in the various collaborative displays.

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5 comments on “Registration for BrickCon 2010 now open [News]

  1. Catsy

    Hurrah! I’d been getting worried, with the site being nonfunctional for so long.

    Registration in. See you all there!

  2. Brickwares

    There’s a certain charm in the article presenting a $4.50 guide to getting there, in contrast to the “preferred hotel”, which you’ll likely need to save quite a few $4.50’s to be able to afford. ;)

  3. Josh

    ^Agreed. The preferred hotel is not my preferred hotel. I’ll be staying at the Hampton this year, which was last years preferred hotel. But its cheaper than the Maxwell.

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