Town/Trains Contest: 7777 Redux

There was a time when LEGO released books of ideas, when trains were a flagship property, when a LEGO license was something you used to drive at LEGOland. That time was the 80s and that time produced 7777. But it was not a perfect time. We now have new parts, new colours, new techniques, and 7777 looks dated. But the idea (pardon the pun) was good. Let’s make it better.

EDIT:NB. Please do not ask questions about the contest here, ask them in the flickr thread. I will not be answering questions here.

7777 Redux LogoIn LEGO Train MOCs we run semi-regular contests and challenges. This time we’re inviting all AFOLs to play. The challenge is to create a new version of 7777 ideas book with prizes for those deemed best and most 7777-like. As a twist we won’t be allowing locomotive engines.

This contest differs a little from regular LEGO contests: rather than giving prizes to the best entry we will be assessing entries on how well they would fit in a new version of 7777. This means models should be kept relatively simple, bonus points will be awarded for instructions and scenes, and we won’t be looking for exact replicas of obscure trains.

So if you love trains, if you love town, or if you just love LEGO and a new challenge we’d love to see what you can do. You don’t even need a single train wheel or track to play. Just bricks and a creative mind.

Closing date: All entries must be in by midnight 31st30th November on the east side of the date line. If your clock says Nov 30th you’ll be fine.

Prizes: Three prizes will be given for the three entries judged ‘best’ (no person will win more than one prize). Prizes are: 10219 Maersk train, 7937 Train Station, 7936 Level Crossing

Rules: There are no hard and fast rules (other than the closing date) however there are judging criteria so if you want a chance of winning you should meet as many of them as possible. We also expect no more than three entries (one is fine) per person. Further entries may be allowed with prior arrangement.

Entering: To enter the contest you must join the 7777 Redux group on flickr and post your entry in the entries thread. If you do not wish to join flickr contact me (Tim G) privately and we may come to an arrangement.

Judging criteria:

  • Model must have 7777ness
  • Either looks like something that is in 7777 (please refer to the page number)
  • or Looks like something that should be in 7777
  • But must not be a locomotive!
  • Clarity of constructions
  • Must provide at least one breakdown shot/instruction snippet
  • Bonus points in judging for full instructions or comprehensive breakdowns.
  • Bonus points awarded for background scenes and minifigs and action
  • Models should ideally by completely new. Models may feature old work provided the rest is substantially new.

Judges: Judging will be by me (Tim Gould), Tim David, Peter Norman and special non-trainhead judge Mark Stafford

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4 comments on “Town/Trains Contest: 7777 Redux

  1. HappyStikBeaver

    A problem here is that in the 80’s, almost every part was relatively easy to get. Now, each set has specific specialty parts that are in fancy colors, and each one isn’t easy to get if you don’t have that set. I’m assuming by “keep it simple,” the idea is to make it modern yet basic? If I enter, is it okay to have more complex models only using pieces available in the 80’s and early 90’s? Or should it be really modern?

  2. gambort Post author

    ^ Sorry, I should have mentioned that questions should be asked in the group itself so everyone can better keep track of them. Not that I’m blaming you at all as it was totally my fault.

    First, let me introduce you to Bricklink :) We didn’t have that in the 80s.

    Second, I’ve copied your questions over to the flickr group too so others can see the answer but I’ll respond here too:

    You can build however you like under whatever conditions you like but by restricting yourself to older parts only you will probably not rate as well with the judges .

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