Images of Lego Avengers sets

Marvel has revealed the first pictures of some of the upcoming Lego Avengers sets. The sets and minifigs look good except for Iron Man, who must have been modeled after a bobblehead version :)

Via Brickset

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15 comments on “Images of Lego Avengers sets

  1. rushiosan

    I’m pretty excited about the release. I agree with the Iron Man criticism, his head is completely out of proportion while comparing to other minifigs (even Hulk’s head seems okay). Something closer to Captain America’s printed head would look better.

    I hope he has a retractable mask at least…

  2. CatJuggling

    Awesome looking sets. I agree about the Iron Man fig too, although I know they’ve got a real head under there, I almost would have preferred a switchable head, like how the Mime got three heads, or Buzz Lightyear got his very specific, tiny little head.

    Still, really can’t wait to see these in person!

  3. blake

    Yeah, that Iron Man helmet is terrible. I hope that they go with a different head for masked / unmasked. I think that the only fig that looks most like the real one is Thor but Hulk doesn’t look bad at all.

  4. mcmorran

    So they can do Boba Fett, Clone/Storm Troopers, Knights and countless other Lego characters with helmets that all look in proportion but Iron Man’s mask was beyond their skills? Did they let the work experience kid design it using MS Paint?

  5. Xenomurphy

    I’m really into the MARVEL sets and I can hardly wait to buy them, but you’re all right. Painting Iron Man black will result in a fantastic Dark Helmet. Oh well, TLC didn’t learn anything from their Green Goblin.

  6. Cashcleaner

    Everything looks good. Actually, everything looks AMAZING.

    Except for Iron Man’s helmet, of course.

  7. PinkPony

    I think we gonna hear the comment on Iron Man a lot…but also I must aggree with this. We can hope it’s not the final version but I’m a little affraid on that.

    The comment from mcmorran is true (quote: they can do Boba Fett, Clone/Storm Troopers, Knights and countless other Lego characters with helmets that all look in proportion but Iron Man’s mask was beyond their skills?) Who’s behind this idea at Lego?

    A switchable head/printed mini-figure head could have look so much better. As we know their a lot of examples on the net and I can’t imaging that Lego didn’t see them. Weird!!!

  8. Fraslund (David)

    It seems like they could really make Iron man an awesome fig by actually giving him…. wait for it… Armor! =)

  9. Ramone

    @GLHTurbo, I think you got it backwards unfortunately. My guess is the bobblehead is the final version and the handouts are early versions they ran off quickly for the show (since those are just printed heads and not the sculpt).

    I hate to say it, but it’s Iron Bobble this year gents.

  10. crgennaro

    Yeah, “The exclusive” Ironman is 1000 times better. But actually what’s worst then the Ironman head to me, is the fact that there are exclusive figures at all. I spend several hundred dollars a year on Lego for my personal collection and the fact that I can’t get a particular figure is a real slap in the face. If TLG is going to say ‘collect them all’, and they often do, then the least they can do is actually let us collect them all.

    (I don’t have a problem with ‘preview’ figures, that’s fine, I can wait, stuff I can never get, that is just insulting)

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