Missing person: Heather Braaten (aka “LEGO Girl”)

No, this is neither a drill nor a joke. Unfortunately, Heather Braaten, whom many of you may know as “HeatherLEGOGirl” online, has been missing since last Tuesday (March 20, 2012). Heather is an active member of SEALUG here in Seattle, a regular BrickCon attendee, and active on Flickr, MOCPages, and Bricklink (where she was active as recently as the day she was last seen).

If you live in Seattle and would like to put up posters, you can use this (click through for larger version):

Heather_Missing Flyer

Heather, if you’re out there and can read this, we hope you’re safe and sound. Just know that there’s a whole world of people who care about you, and we’re worried. Please, reach out and let one of us know you’re okay.

You can see the official Missing Person Report on the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs website.

If you see Heather or know where she is, please contact the Seattle Police Department or braaten1@yahoo.com.

You can also chime in with a comment here, on Lino’s photo (link on pic above), or send Lino an email: linotopia AT hotmail DOT com. Lino is in touch with Heather’s mom and will be passing along any leads that come through online channels like TBB comments and Flickr.

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15 comments on “Missing person: Heather Braaten (aka “LEGO Girl”)

  1. Creative Anarchy

    I had traded comments with Heather on Flickr and met her at Brick Con last year. She’s a remarkably sweet woman. Unfortunately I don’t know anything about her where-abouts. I hope that she’s simply dropped off the grid for a bit and is alright.

  2. starstreak

    I hope she’s ok. I’ve seen her on flickr, and in any photos with her in it, she’s always smiling.

  3. alldarker

    Oh man… I really hope she’s alright.
    I hope I’ll never have to know what her family and friends are going through, but I can only imagine they are worried sick.

  4. Bricksoftruth

    This news brings me to tears. I have never meet Heather and I know very little about her. I will pray constantly for her safety and quick return home. Remember, the loving and merciful God that holds the universe is also holding her in His hands.

  5. LongIsland

    Logging in simply to say that I’m praying she is safe and will be back home with her loved ones soon. Never met her, but I’ve long admired her creations. This is very sad news.

  6. ale8oneboy

    We will be praying as well. Please update with a follow up post as soon as you know something. Thanks

  7. MoscaLane

    Ian Schmitz, Heather’s brother, and The Abby & Jennifer Recovery Foundation are setting up a search party today at 9a.m. at the Lower Woodland Park and Baseball Field (50th & Greenlake Way…) Please come out and volunteer!

  8. TelikoVenus

    Maybe this is silly, but her bricklink shows some feedback left on March, 6, 2012, March 12, 2012, & March, 22, 2012 with her as a buyer. Maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t feedback left quickly when you’re the buyer… So, maybe there’s a chance she made that last purchase -after- her disappearance on the 20th?

    So, has anyone attempted contacting Nagyzee (one that sold to her & left feedback the 22nd) to see when the purchase was made? Maybe the police could work with the owner of bricklink & check the IP address of where she was when she placed that order or if that order was sent to a different address than usual?

    I mean, I dunno about you guys, but one would think that the knowledge of an incoming lego package would be enough to keep a person around home gleefully anticipating its arrival. Especially, as she made 3 purchases this month alone. Forgive my rambling, but I want her found & maybe my ranting may be of use.

  9. sithwrath

    Hi TelikoVenus, This link may help answer some of your question:

    http://www.bricklink.com/message.asp?ID=624459 by Nagyzee

    ” Yeah, it’s me who left a feedback on the 22nd, not her. The last contact I had
    with her with regards to her order was on 5th March. And I’ve just checked tracking
    on the order again, and it indeed says that it was successfully delivered on
    15th March. She didn’t change the order status nor did she reply to my mail sent
    on 21st March though. “

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