Great leaders on terrible lizards

I’m not sure whether words can add much to my latest series of LEGO creations, so I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

First up, Abraham Lincoln on a Velociraptor.

Abraham Lincoln on a Velociraptor

Next, Benjamin Franklin astride a Triceratops.

Benjamin Franklin on a Triceratops

Third — and possibly most impressive to 18th-century English troops — George Washington on a Tyrannosaurus Rex (future AC3 MP DLC, anyone?).

George Washington on a T-Rex

Finally, Teddy Roosevelt swoops in on a Pterodactyl to defend our National Park System.

Teddy Roosevelt on a Pterodactyl

That is all. For now…

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5 comments on “Great leaders on terrible lizards

  1. Sarah

    My favorite is Teddy. First, he would be defending our National Parks, set up five as president, he was the first President to fly, and he loved birds, set up I think I have the number right, 92 bird sanctuaries while president. So of course he’d be armed on a Pterodactyl! Very realistic!

    The other mini figures are great! Very fun idea!

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