圖窮匕現 or A Knife to the Face!

I’m not completely sure what’s going on with fvin&yan’s latest effort, but the unfortunate fellow with the dapper hat is about to get a knife to the face! This model is simply stunning from top to bottom and features a pleasingly wide range of color. Perhaps one of our readers can help with the translation of the title and very brief accompanying text, the best I was able to come up with was “Poor included bei, also from Emperor Jing Ke Thorn”.


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4 comments on “圖窮匕現 or A Knife to the Face!

  1. EspressoGau

    This depicts Jing Ke’s (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jing_Ke) famous assassination attempt on the later to be first Emperor of China. Using a map scroll of his country’s best farmland as lure, Jing Ke gets the Emperor within stabbing distance and produces a poisoned dagger hidden in the scroll. At this close distance, the Emperor struggles to unsheath his rather long sword and a desperate cat and mouse chase ensures before Jing Ke is finally cut down.
    圖窮匕珼, 亦出自荆柯刺秦皇= Dagger produced from a scroll, from Jing Ke assassinates the Qin King

  2. niteangel

    You have the Chinese typed wrong. It is 圖窮匕現, not 珼.

    Like EspressGau explains, the idiom means “at the end of the scroll the dagger shows up”.

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