Giant Domed Baseball Stadium Made of over 18,000 LEGO Bricks!

Builder RedCoKid has created this amazing fictional baseball stadium for his LEGO city. He created the design digitally in LEGO’s Digital Designer, and then he and two other people gathered the 18,600 pieces necessary and assembled the model over three days. He’s packed it with loads of great features, including the ability to change the playing field to accommodate different sports, a terrific logo for the stadium, and the ability to take it apart in modules for access and transportation. In a fantastic gesture, RedCoKid has even provided the .lxf file for LEGO Digital Designer for free, if any of you want to take a look at this in more detail from the comfort of your own home, or perhaps even attempt to build it yourself.

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5 comments on “Giant Domed Baseball Stadium Made of over 18,000 LEGO Bricks!

  1. Andrew

    Way cool — great find! It does look like a baseball stadium, but it looks like they’re playing football down on the field. ;-)

  2. Chris Post author

    It’s designed as a baseball stadium, but can host a lot of different sports! I liked the football photo better than the baseball one, hence…

  3. Eric at A Lego A Day

    This is incredible. Love the forced perspective from the nose-bleed seats! Excellent way of building a sports arena at a manageable size. Just awesome work.

    The exterior is gorgeous. Almost can’t believe this is LEGO.

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