R-Round Up

Being almost at the half way point of the R-Type & Beyond starfighter build challenge, we have seen a very nice assortment of brilliant builds of all sizes shapes and colours.

Here is a quick round up of my favourites so far.

Shannon Ocean brings his retro space style with this rockin’ entry.
R-Type Advocate-class starfighter

Pasukaru76 has been churning out a tonne of builds in both micro and minifig scales, but this colourful addition has to be one of favourites.
R-17W Wave Shaper

Mike Yoder blows it out of the water with this behemoth.
R-Type Sparrowhead

Pierre E Fieschi created perhaps the most colourful entry so far, and it works so well on all levels.
R-Type G3 Grizzly

HatRabies has been keeping pace with Pascal on the number of submissions with a continuing variation of a micro R-Type…with each post they get better and better.
Keep the purple? Lose the purple?

There are plenty more brilliant creations, so please head on over to the submission thread if you haven’t already checked it out.

You still have a little over 2 weeks to join in on the fun…hopefully by that time I will have mine done too.

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