LEGO Star Wars Sets for 2014 Unveiled [News]

Looking remarkably like previous years’ offerings, the 2014 sets have been revealed for your perusal. With only one exception, this wave is all from the prequel films, and I believe all of the vehicles in this wave have already appeared in previous versions. So if you’ve missed out on your favorite one before, you’ll get another chance as soon as these hit stores.

75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon

75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon

See the rest of the 2014 Star Wars sets after the jump!

75042 Droid Gunship

75042 Droid Gunship

75038 Jedi Interceptor

75038 Jedi Interceptor

75043 AT-PT

75043 AT-PT

75041 Vulture Droid

75041 Vulture Droid

75040 General Grievous' Wheel Bike

75040 General Grievous’ Wheel Bike

75039 V-Wing Starfighter

75039 V-Wing Starfighter

75035 Kashyyyk Troopers

75035 Kashyyyk Troopers

75034 Death Star Troopers

75034 Death Star Troopers

75037 Battle on Saleucami

75037 Battle on Saleucami

7036 Utapau Troopers

7036 Utapau Troopers


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10 comments on “LEGO Star Wars Sets for 2014 Unveiled [News]

  1. rushiosan

    My first thoughts:

    – Scout Trooper helmet didn’t need a redesign. There will be lots of trouble with visor printing like ARF helmets.
    – Yay for Imperial Gunners!
    – Finally a decent non-CW Grievous
    – New blasters and spring-loaded missiles? I have a bad feeling about this…
    – V-Wing would look perfect without trans-red missiles. Same for Grievous’ bike
    – Utapau droid (or whatever it’s called) looks unfinished and cheap
    – Camo Clones are gorgeous. There are countless ways to use their parts
    – Once again, I’m not sure if we needed new blasters/missiles (flick-fires were already bad enough)

    That said, I’m 100% sure about Death Star Troopers as a personal must-have. The yellow Jedi Starfighter doesn’t improve much upon the previous version (9494). That was easily one of the best small Star Wars sets I”ve seen in years. This time we just get Anakin and R2, and the ship remains the very same in a matter of design and playability (no landing gear!). If the retail price drops 10-15 dollars it means a big deal, otherwise, that’s a big pass. The AT-PT is definitely the best of the wave. Taking a deep look on every picture I’d say I’m not sure about what happened with designers… I feel like we’re starting 2014 with the wrong foot. I hope the second wave (summer) changes everything.

  2. happywaffle

    Whoa, where are the piece counts on the front of the box? I always use that as a rough estimate of how “big” a set is. Hope they’re not doing away with it.

  3. Chris Post author

    @Happywaffle: Part counts often don’t show on the boxes for European markets. However, the lack of part counts here may simply be due to these potentially not being the final box images.

  4. JimmytheJ

    Those pop-gun blasters! xD

    I’m gonna paint one mostly white. Portal gun, y’all! WE HAVE AWESOME.

    Otherwise, we’re screwed. There’s only ONE original trilogy set? It’s lovely, I want the new Death Star technicians, but STILL. If this is the whole wave, it looks like they need to wait a while for somebody to fight.

    I agree, they’e seriously messed up the scout troopers… with their eyes so high up, in those gross colours, they look like knockoffs. But I think the new “skinny” torso printing already messed up the good, Original Trilogy ones anyway. They’re minifigs, why print ’em wearing narrower armour than looks comfortable? And what’s with all the black on the new scouts? The boots are white, the hips are black! Same issue with arms and gloves…

    Choreography’s all over the place. These shots don’t yell action, they yell misdirection. You’re in battle, you goons! At least run in straight lines, at the enemy, while facing them. It helps also to be armed. I’m looking at you, Kashyyyk troopers one and three! The Utapu troopers look like they’re having a nerf battle around a Christmas tree.

    Rant over. Love the parts, hate the direction.

  5. Chris Post author

    @JimmytheJ: according to Brickset, there are a number of Star Wars sets we don’t yet have photos of, and most of which are original trilogy sets.

  6. JimmytheJ

    I know they’re meant to be (camofl)augh green, it’s just the combination of (unl)awful colours and (st)up’d looking eyes. Ugh. Check the wookiepedia page for clone scout trooper. Their eyes are apparently canonically in their foreheads or something.

  7. Zrath

    Oh look, yet another yellow Anakin Jedi Interceptor. I’d like to see a red Obi-Wan Jedi Interceptor for a change. Lego only ever made one back in 2005, as part of the 7283 Ultimate Space Battle set, and I think it’s high time for a new one!
    I mean, seriously, there’s been THREE yellow Anakin Interceptors since!

  8. vexorian

    They are back on one faction per BP, that’s great. I wish they did this this year, just bought the 2013 BP that has two droidekas and two clones in it. I would have loved this BP if it had 3 droidecas and two droids instead.

    The “Death Star” troopers BP really interests me, red capes + this time the buildable part is not bad at all. That’s a cute canon.

    I don’t like the idea of the new blasters , but it appears the piece itself looks good and has potential.

  9. Da_Brick_builder

    I think the most popular are the AT-PT walker, Death star troopers, General Grievous’ wheel bike, Republic AV-7 anti-vehicle cannon,battle on saleucami, Droid Gunship and jedi intercepter

    Big design flaws: blaster’s look abit fat and weird
    2. Utapau troopers big spider droid; nuh uh it looks cheaply made
    3.Vulture droid looks a bit cheesy (I first thought it was a hyena droid bomber)
    4. the Kashyyyk troopers’s normal clone looks slightly to green and i would like to see a slight change in it’s colour (1 guy has no gun)
    5. the v-wing is okay
    6. i liked the older shooting missiles.

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