Unveiled: 71006 The Simpsons House [News]

The first images have escaped into the wild of the flagship set for the upcoming official Simpsons line of LEGO sets.

UPDATE: Official information about 71006 The Simpsons House is now available.

71006 The Simpsons House is the cartoon family’s Springfield home, a sprawling suburban manor. The set includes the five Simpsons family members: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, as well as their neighbor Ned Flanders, each with their awkward amalgamation of uniquely-molded head and classic minifig body. The house looks straight from the pages of the Creator theme of domiciles, though this one is a bit bigger, clocking in with an enormous 2523 pieces, which puts it easily in the $250 price range, although the price has not been confirmed yet. The residence hinges open to reveal a full interior, complete with tiled floors. It’s hardly an inspiring design for the LEGO aficionado, but it is, I suppose, fairly accurate to the Simpsons’ humdrum suburbanite existence, and fans of the show will likely find lots to love. Let us know in the comments what you think: Is this set a hit or a miss?

71006 The Simpsons House
71006 The Simpsons House

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7 comments on “Unveiled: 71006 The Simpsons House [News]

  1. rushiosan

    That’s a must-have for me. I didn’t have high hopes for this line, but after seeing this picture I really changed my opinion. This set blew my mind as much as 79003 did a year ago. I don’t care about the other sets, the Simpsons’ house is all I want for now.

  2. Jai

    Oh my god. While I’m afraid that it’ll cost $300, and it’s weird that they all have custom-shaped heads (I would have preferred otherwise, in both cases)… it looks really great. Damn, though. I’m SUPER disappointed about the heads being uniquely not-normal-minifig-heads for the Simpsons line, though. That’s such a bummer. I can easily imagine the classic Simpsons hairstyles being hairpieces that fit on a classic minifig head… but I guess my imagination is the only place I’m ever going to see that.

    House, car and all that looks lovely (And expensive!). The minifig legs/torsos look good as well. As I expected, mashing two properties with yellow-skinned people in common together works quite well. I… don’t know why they diverged from the LEGO line with the heads. Sorry, I’m gonna be stuck on that for awhile. Like, forever.

  3. grandpappy

    If I was to take a guess, minifig heads were too much of a departure from the signature styles of the heads on the characters; and the owning company didn’t want to stray that much.

  4. Sarah

    I’ll have to see what the other sets include, since there are other sets this expensive(Imagine if we are all wrong and set sells for $100!) that I want to get first. But I’d want a Maggie, Bart and Lisa figure so if they were in a smaller set or sets I might have to get those instead. Hopefully there is an Itchy and Scratchy set! However if money was not the issue, as someone who loves doll houses and had toy houses that opened on a hinge like this one as a child, I really would love this set.
    It would be interesting to see if non Lego fans but fans of the Simpsons get into Lego because of these sets.

  5. wyldjedi

    I also agree that they should have used regular Lego heads and had new hairpieces. Strange heads only work for aliens and things. I do think they did a good job on them, but they just are not my thing here. The house looks nice, but I think they should have cut back on the piece count and added a treehouse for the backyard. The set is nice for what it is, but I think this came out about 10 years too late. Then again, Lego has added numerous new techniques in that time as well and I doubt this would look as good 10 years ago. I look at this and would much rather spend the $200+ on the Ewok village or Tower of Orthanc or something.

  6. Brengineer

    I can say that the house looks great, for someone who hasn’t seen the show; but I have to admit: I’m not sure I want to see it. Those people are just a little freaky looking.

  7. bruce n h

    While the design of the house is a bit bland as you say (though accurate), I’m impressed that it’s all bricks, and not dependent on large panels for the walls. I also like all the brick-built furnishings inside. Those windows rotated 90 degrees are nice in an official design.

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