Friday Night Fights (Round 32)

We’re reaching for the skies tonight, with two models that on the one hand are very similar, but on the other could hardly be more different. Both represent a Liebherr LTM 11200 9.1, which is currently the world’s largest mobile crane.

In the red corner we find the heavyweight contestant: a 1/15.5-scale model by Huib van der Hart (liftingbricks). I blogged this last year, when it was still a work in progress. Its size imposed daunting technical challenges and, at the time, it couldn’t yet be erected. Now it can, however, and it is so big it’s intimidating.

Project Lego liebherr ltm 11200 9.1

In the blue corner, we find a minifig scale version by Maksymilian Majchrzak (MAKS). This is his largest model to date and at 2 kg and with a height of 70 cm, when fully extended, it’s not exactly tiny. In this competition, however, it’s the bantamweight. Despite its much smaller scale though, it looks very much like the real deal, is highly detailed and has many working functions.

Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 (3)

In last week’s dragontastic installment, Stormbringer’s Skrill Showdown narrowly beat Jonas’ Smaug the Stupendous, with a final score of 8 to 7. It’s up to you this week, dear reader, to decide whether size matters.

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11 comments on “Friday Night Fights (Round 32)

  1. brickolas_nicholas

    I cannot believe the magnitude of that first one! Definitely have to vote for liftingbricks.

  2. C-Core

    Although the first one looks more impressive I think it’s even harder to achieve that detail & functionality in minifig-scale. And MAKS did that so I vote for him.

  3. GabryS

    I can’t believe in how many details did Maks put into model in such a small scale. 1 vote fo Maks.

  4. Dave

    So far its a tie(as of writing this) and this has honestly been the hardest FNF decision I’ve had to make. I really had to carefully study each MOC. After looking at both MOCs for a little while now I think I have to give it to MAKS. As a MOCer who often builds big MOCs I know very well that bigger means more room to wiggle and do things. Building small has a lot of its own challenges and I agree with the others that say the level of detail for the small size is impressive. Building big is hard to, but getting that detail becomes a whole lot easier because the room to do it is there. If its any consolation to Liftingbricks, this was really hard for me to decide, meaning it was SO close!

  5. DagsBricks

    At first I was just going to walk away. Smaller always gets my vote but MAKS rig looked like it had a goofy saddle behind the cab. After checking source material I realize that these are counterweights and that the crane is set up to do work at the posterior. So it’s more a matter of MAKS getting my vote than me not casting at all.

    Bigger is meh.

  6. Barman76

    This is a difficult one…
    Although Liftngbricks is a buddy and this build is very impressive and mega cool, I have to agree with C-Core. Maks model is amazing in all his detail.

  7. mpoh98

    Man, another hard round! I think I am going to have to go with MAKS, as the detail at his size is amazing! The big one is definitely very impressive, but it is also easier to get good details the bigger you make it. MAKS gets my vote.

  8. Ralph Post author

    It’s good to see that choosing between these two is not considered easy. I think you’re a very discerning audience.

  9. Brengineer

    I agree that MAKS did a great job at his scale, where details are harder. However, Liftingbricks put in just as much detail proportionally as MAKS did, and the sheer size of his model is awesome. My vote goes to him.

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