Couch Potatoes: Saving the world, one snack at a time!

Here’s a fiendishly clever little concept from Angus MacLane, the guy that made character building more accessible by dreaming up CubeDudes. And like CubeDudes, I suspect this pattern is destined to be widely imitated – with or without the couches. Each vignette features a brick-built superhero or screen character kicking back after a long day’s superheroing (…or in some cases, chestbursting).


Angus hopes to continue the series over the coming months, with even more examples of superhuman relaxation. And if Destro’s demeanor is any indication, I suspect the villains will turn out to be having a worse day than the heroes!

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1 comment on “Couch Potatoes: Saving the world, one snack at a time!

  1. berendjan

    See them chill out.

    That optimus prime is just perfect, what a great build. Everthing feels nice in proportion.

    Batman’s figure/pose is great also.

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