Friday Night Fights – Big Batman

Welcome back fight fans, to Sin City Nevada for another round of Friday Night Fights. Tonight we go big with my favorite superhero: Batman! Coincidentally these two opponents both won the Batman 75th Anniversary contest for BrickFair VA and BrickWorld Chicago, but who will win in the Big Batman Showdown? Let’s go to the tale of the tape.

In the white we have Maddison Stapleton (SunlitEquinox) and her Adam West Batman:


In the black corner we have Tim Lydy (Julius No) with his life-size version of the villain Scarface:

As usual, constant reader, you are tasked with deciding, by way of comment, which of these Big Batman will win the battle. On the last edition of Friday Night Fights, Mini Mecha, Jonas won 10-2. Tune in next week for another action packed edition of Friday Night Fights!

11 comments on “Friday Night Fights – Big Batman

  1. bbot7

    Do… either of these really count as ‘Bionicle Brutes’?

    I have to go with Batman, out of my love for that classic movie.
    “Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb!”

  2. thepauliejames

    i must be missing something, how did scarface whin in the batman category at brickworld chicago… and how does he count as batman now? excellent build but i am very confused.

  3. rodiziorobs

    Batman. It reminds me of the adorable statues at Legoland. I also like the Scarface MOC, but the black background obscures a lot of the model.

  4. kaletad

    Hey dummy, don’t velieve everything you see. Vatman isn’t the vest, Scarface will always ve the winner!

  5. evolveORdie

    both are great, but Batman because at this view, it looks like a good homage to Adam West’s waistline

  6. evolveORdie

    and because of the black bg on Scarface you dont even realise he’s carrying a cool as hell Tommy gun.

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