Giant LEGO tribute to Mouse Guard unveiled at BrickCon

If you’re a fan of fantasy and/or talking rodents, then there’s so much to love about David Petersen’s world of Mouse Guard. This groundbreaking and expansive comic book series, with its rich cast of characters and detailed world, has already been turned into a roleplaying game, and now even rumors of a movie version abound.

Canadian builder Paul Hetherington unveiled this enormous homage to Mouse Guard at BrickCon last week, and promptly won “Best in Show” for his efforts.

Paul is well known for his epic minifig based dioramas such as the Fabuland Fun Fair and Joker’s Funhouse. So I’m personally rather excited by his recent diversion into the weird little world of brick-built characters! It was great to see both his Mouse Guard and Tintin builds in the flesh last week.


And if just one LEGO Mouse Guard creation is not enough to satisfy you, Seattle’s ArchLUG is planning a series of Mouse Guard themed builds for Emerald City Comic Con next March, so watch out for that!

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