Wanna get blogged on The Brothers Brick? Now you can pay to be! [April Fools]

Running a blog isn’t cheap! Servers, bandwidth and lemur kibble all cost money. And searching the Internet for great LEGO creations takes our contributors a considerable amount of time. So to kill two birds with one stone, The Brothers Brick (brought to you by Carls Jr) is happy to announce our new automated Pay-2-Play system.

Simply click the Pay-2-Play icon on the right and enter your payment details to get started. For only $5 you can have a single image of your MOC featured on The Brothers Brick (brought to you by Carls Jr) with a description of up to 100 words. Each additional image is another $2. And for $20 you can even have your creation featured on our website’s side bar for an entire week! We’re really excited about this new feature and hope it’ll allow us to keep bringing you the best LEGO news, reviews and contests.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

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