The house that Zachary built

Zachary Lewis is quite the LEGO architect. For the last year or so since picking LEGO up again as an adult and joining a local LEGO club in Ohio, he’s been alternating between highly detailed houses and highly detailed interior rooms — each one built for a specific person. My favorite of Zachary’s houses so far is this one: “Mom’s House.”

Mom's House 1

While the classic 1950’s one-story ranch house is not my favorite form of American architecture (I live in one), this build by Zachary is pretty amazing — from the paneling on the garage door to the wood slat siding and brick walls. Smaller details jump out as well, like the barbecue out back and the small window/fan into the attic.

I could highlight just about every photo Zachary has posted in his photostream, but I won’t spoil your enjoyment — go spend some time poring over “Wesley’s Room,” “Robert’s House,” “Elliott’s Room,” and more.

But since I can’t help myself, here’s a beautiful Georgian-style house in Zachary’s hometown of Shaker Heights, Ohio.

Lego Shaker House 1

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