LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack $15 off, Wave 2 packs out now [News]

The LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack is currently 15% or $15 off from I’m still working on completing the game as best I can without all of the expansion packs so I can write a review here for everybody, but the game crashed on save recently and took a month’s worth of save data with it.

While that’s not a ringing endorsement for the game, if you haven’t picked it up and you plan to, you can help support The Brothers Brick by buying video games like LEGO Dimensions by clicking through from here.

LEGO Dimensions on

Also, the second wave of Level Packs, Team Packs, and Fun Packs were released this week, including the new Doctor Who Level Pack with the Twelfth Doctor and K-9.

LEGO Dimensions Doctor Who Level Pack on

You can see a complete list of the endless expansions available for the game on

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1 comment on “LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack $15 off, Wave 2 packs out now [News]

  1. bsipe9

    If you’re a Prime member, you can use code LEGOMOMS to take another $15 off the starter pack. And Target has buy 2, get 1 free on the packs (as well as a $5 off $50 code TGTE2RSY and a 10% off using their wishlist app). I just used these two deals to acquire the Xbox One starter and the B2TF, Simpson and Dr. Who Level Packs for $124 and change. Still outrageous for “a game” but the kids (and I) will love it and I will definitely feel a little better saving a little over $80.

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