Kenny Baker, the diminutive actor who played R2-D2 in all Star Wars films except The Force Awakens, died peacefully in his sleep today. The 3′ 8″ actor operated Artoo from inside, sealed up “like a boiled egg.” In addition to R2-D2 Kenny Baker also played Paploo the Ewok in Return of the Jedi as well as key roles in movies like Time Bandits and The Elephant Man. To honor this actor who had such a huge impact on Star Wars, here’s a roundup of some of the best LEGO R2-D2 models we’ve featured here on The Brothers Brick over the years.
One of my favorite LEGO Artoos is this small LEGO R2-D2 by Jeffery Kong.
At the other end of the scale, this life-size LEGO R2-D2 by Ickelpete is fully functional, operated by remote control.
One of the tiniest LEGO R2-D2 models we’ve featured here is this wonderful Artoo by Seb Toutouille.
LEGO themselves have released several different minifig-scale R2-D2s in hundreds of sets over the years, but the official LEGO Artoo that will go down in LEGO history was 10225 UCS R2-D2, released in 2012.
And as a final bonus — and reminder that Kenny Baker was far more than just the actor inside R2-D2 — here’s a bobblehead Paploo the Ewok roaring off on a commandeered Imperial scout speeder, by Jose Carlos Fernandez.