Pre-order new LEGO Dimensions on Amazon, some for 40% off [News]

As announced earlier this year, LEGO Dimensions is preparing for a new wave of Fun Packs, Level Packs, and Story Packs, all set to become available Nov. 18 this year.

Amazon is offering 40% off select sets in the new wave of LEGO Dimensions if you pre-order! Since the next wave has amazing characters from Adventure Time, The A-Team, Ghostbusters, and Mission Impossible (to name a few!), this is a great chance to order your favorite new characters.

Click on your favorite Pack to order!

71246 Adventure Time Team Pack
LEGO Dimensions Adventure Time

71245 Adventure Time Level Pack
LEGO Dimensions Adventure Time

71251 The A-Team Fun Pack
LEGO Dimensions A-Team

71248 Mission Impossible Level Pack
LEGO Dimensions Mission Impossible

71247 Harry Potter Team Pack
LEGO Dimensions Harry Potter

71242 Ghostubsters Story Pack
LEGO Dimensions Ghostbusters 3

The following LEGO Dimensions sets are also available for pre-order on Amazon:

71256 Gremlins Team Pack
LEGO Dimensions: Gremlins

71244 Sonic the Hedgehog Level Pack
LEGO Dimensions: Sonic the Hedgehog

71258 E.T. Fun Pack
LEGO Dimensions: E.T.

71257 Fantastic Beasts Fun Pack
LEGO Dimensions: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

71253 Fantastic Beasts Story Pack
LEGO Dimensions: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

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