The Sword is mightier than the other spaceships

Michał Kaźmierczak is one of many LEGO builders taking part in this year’s SHIPtember, a contest where the rules are simple: one month; one SHIP; one hundred or more studs in size. The term S.H.I.P. stands for Seriously Huge Investment in Parts, and Michał’s creation is an impressive 202 stud long ship named Sword. In addition to some stickers, Sword features windows added using ultraviolet paint to help create the beautiful lighting effect in the image below:

"Sword" in space

The detailed underside of Sword is full of delicious greebles that contrast with the smooth lines of the main hull:

Sword above the planet surface

A side view allows for a greater appreciation of this 170cm long LEGO creation. The blue stern area really stands out and makes for some eye-catching contrast to the grey hull. As with all ships, regardless of size, one key aspect is the SWOOSH factor. And I think this one has more of a SCHWING!


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